


1) Fukuoka T, Miki K, Yoshiya I and Noguchi K. Expression of beta-calcitonin gene-related peptide in axotomized rubrospinal neurons and the effect of brain derived neurotrophic factor. Brain Res 1997; 767: 250-258.(学位論文です)

2) Fukuoka T, Tokunaga A, Kondo E, Miki K, Tachibana T and Noguchi K. Change in mRNAs for neuropeptides and the GABA(A) receptor in dorsal root ganglion neurons in a rat experimental neuropathic pain model. Pain 1998; 78: 13-26.(表紙を飾りました)

3) Fukuoka T, Tokunaga A, Kondo E, Miki K, Tachibana T and Noguchi K. Differential regulation of alpha- and beta-CGRP mRNAs within oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, and trigeminal motoneurons in response to axotomy. Brain Res Mol Brain Res 1999; 63: 304-315.

Fukuoka T, Tokunaga A, Kondo E, Noguchi K. The role of neighboring intact dorsal root ganglion neurons in a rat neuropathic pain model. In: Progress in pain research and management 2000;16: 137-146.(国際疼痛学会のProceedingに載せてもらいました)

5) Fukuoka T, Kondo E, Dai Y, Hashimoto N and Noguchi K. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor increases in the uninjured dorsal root ganglion neurons in selective spinal nerve ligation model. J Neurosci 2001; 21: 4891-4900.(私の出世作です)

6) Fukuoka T, Tokunaga A, Tachibana T, Dai Y, Yamanaka H and Noguchi K. VR1, but not P2X(3), increases in the spared L4 DRG in rats with L5 spinal nerve ligation. Pain 2002; 99: 111-120.

7) Fukuoka T and Noguchi K. Contribution of the spared primary afferent neurons to the pathomechanisms of neuropathic pain. Mol Neurobiol 2002; 26: 57-67.(初めてのレビュー誌)

8) Fukuoka T, Kobayashi K, Yamanaka H, Obata K, Dai Y and Noguchi K. Comparative study of the distribution of the alpha-subunits of voltage-gated sodium channels in normal and axotomized rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. J Comp Neurol 2008; 510: 188-206.(5年のスランプ後の復帰作)

9) Fukuoka T, Kobayashi K and Noguchi K. Laminae-specific distribution of alpha-subunits of voltage-gated sodium channels in the adult rat spinal cord. Neuroscience 2010; 169: 994-1006.

10) Fukuoka T and Noguchi K. Comparative study of voltage-gated sodium channel alpha-subunits in non-overlapping four neuronal populations in the rat dorsal root ganglion. Neurosci Res 2011; 70: 164-171.

11) Fukuoka T, Yamanaka H, Kobayashi K, Okubo M, Miyoshi K, Dai Y and Noguchi K. Re-evaluation of the phenotypic changes in L4 dorsal root ganglion neurons after L5 spinal nerve ligation. Pain 2012; 153: 68-79.(2回めの表紙を飾りました)

12) Fukuoka T, Miyoshi K and Noguchi K. De novo expression of Nav1.7 in injured putative proprioceptive afferents: Multiple tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium channels are retained in the rat dorsal root after spinal nerve ligation. Neuroscience 2015; 284: 693-706.

13) Fukuoka T and Noguchi K. A potential anti-allodynic mechanism of GDNF following L5 spinal nerve ligation; Mitigation of NPY up-regulation in the touch sense pathway. Neuroscience 2015; 304: 240-249.

14) Shinoda M, Fukuoka T, Takeda M, Iwata K and Noguchi K. Spinal glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor infusion reverses reduction of Kv4.1-mediated A-type potassium currents of injured myelinated primary afferent neurons in a neuropathic pain model. Mol Pain 2019; 15: 1-12.(日大歯学部准教授との合作です)

1) Miki K, Fukuoka T, Tokunaga A, Kondo E, Dai Y and Noguchi K. Differential effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on high-threshold mechanosensitivity in a rat neuropathic pain model. Neurosci Lett 2000; 278: 85-88.

2) Shimode N, Fukuoka T, Tanimoto M, Tashiro C, Tokunaga A and Noguchi K. The effects of dexmedetomidine and halothane on Fos expression in the spinal dorsal horn using a rat postoperative pain model. Neurosci Lett 2003; 343: 45-48.

3) Tsuzuki K, Fukuoka T, Sakagami M and Noguchi K. Increase of preprotachykinin mRNA in the uninjured mandibular neurons after rat infraorbital nerve transection. Neurosci Lett 2003; 345: 57-60.

4) Kobayashi K, Fukuoka T, Yamanaka H, Dai Y, Obata K, Tokunaga A and Noguchi K. Neurons and glial cells differentially express P2Y receptor mRNAs in the rat dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord. J Comp Neurol 2006; 498: 443-454.

5) Kobayashi K, Fukuoka T, Yamanaka H, Dai Y, Obata K, Tokunaga A and Noguchi K. Differential expression patterns of mRNAs for P2X receptor subunits in neurochemically characterized dorsal root ganglion neurons in the rat. J Comp Neurol 2005; 481: 377-390.

6) Kobayashi K, Fukuoka T, Obata K, Yamanaka H, Dai Y, Tokunaga A and Noguchi K. Distinct expression of TRPM8, TRPA1, and TRPV1 mRNAs in rat primary afferent neurons with adelta/c-fibers and colocalization with trk receptors. J Comp Neurol 2005; 493: 596-606.


